Aiming to contribute to the fight against the ongoing global pandemic of coronavirus disease and committed to its vision of advancing science and research, Metropolitan College participates in the conduction of an international psychology study on Covid 19 effects in people’s lives, health and feelings.
More specifically, Metropolitan College’s Psychology Department has been actively involved in the design and implementation of this research project with the following topic “The relationship between risk perceptions, access to social and environmental resources and benefit-finding in COVID-19; an international survey”. The survey is carried out by a team of behavioural scientists at several universities across Europe, Australia and the US and coordinated by King’s College London.
Here is the full list of the universities that participate in this research, along with Metropolitan College:
1. King’s College London, UK
2. Stockholm University, Sweden
3. University of Sydney, Australia
4. University of Nottingham, UK
5. University of Ghent, Belgium
6. University of California, USA
7. Universite Clermont Auvergne & CHU Clermont Ferrand, France
8. Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
9. University of Leuven, Belgium
10.University of Copenhagen, Denmark
11. University of Essex, UK
12. La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
The purpose of the research project is to understand how COVID-19 has influenced people’s thoughts and feelings about their health and how people are responding to the situation, particularly in relation to social distancing.
We invite you to take the time to complete the short survey and pass on the link to any of your contacts who would be interested in participating. The results of the survey will be summarised in academic publications or presentations and may be used in further research, aiming to contribute to existing knowledge on the effects of COVID-19 on people’s thoughts and feelings.
Take part in the survey by clicking HERE.