Bachelor of Science degree from Oxford Brookes University.
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance
Degree from a top International University
ACCA Accreditation
Courses designed to allow for module exemptions from the internationally prestigious ACCA Accreditation (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants).
Application of theory in practice
Specialized programme of studies in Accounting and Finance, which applies the theory in practice and provides students with all the skills required for every modern Accountant and Finance Executive.
Contemporary modules
Contemporary modules covering all the thematic areas of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, including innovative functions such as: learning real-world accounting information systems, auditing applications using real-world data, stock market simulation, new investment appraisal using real case studies.
SimVenture Laboratories
Training in simulation software for the establishment and operation of a virtual business.
Professional networking
Participation in seminars held by renowned executives of major companies.
International prospects
Opportunity to learn English terminology as part of the studies.

The BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance, enables students to specialize in the popular, in the job market subject, areas of Accounting and Finance.
Taking advantage of the current developments and the special features of the Greek market, the programme integrates all the contemporary aspects of the particular sciences aiming to enable graduates of the programme to complete the wide range of accounting tasks, to design the financial planning of companies operating in Greece and abroad and, finally, to work in the most critical departments of modern business; the accounting and finance departments.
The mission of the program is to provide students with realistic experiences in order to acquire the necessary administrative skills that will help them understand the complexity of operation and the specificities of modern companies. For this reason, its philosophy is based more on interactive, participatory and practical teaching and combines a variety of learning approaches and practical training in information systems used by businesses for their accounting and financial planning.
The high degree of specialization of the module leaders, combined with their academic and professional experience, make the academic studies a unique experience.
- Essential Information Skills
- Introduction to Accounting I
- Introduction to Accounting II
- Raising Individual Financial Awareness
- Foundations of Business
- Business Accounting Systems
- Exploring Economics
- Management Accounting
- Corporate Finance
- Financial Accounting and Reporting
- Research in Accounting
- Personal and Professional Development
- Business Strategy for Competitive Advantage
- Introduction to Auditing Theory and Practice
- Financial Accounting Theory
- Business Aspects of Management Accounting
- Accounting Synoptic
- Contemporary Issues in Finance
- Advanced Financial Management
- Business Accountability and Responsibility
- Applied Audit and Assurance
Career Prospects
The BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance programme offers the necessary background to those who want to develop professionally in Accounting and Finance. A significant advantage of this programme is that graduates can work in all sectors of the Greek and global business community as:
- Accounting Executives and Finance Directors in multinational companies and organizations in the private and public sector
- Management executives of small and medium sized companies
- Business consultants specializing in the provision of accounting and financial advice
- Executives and financial analysts in financial services
- Bank Executives
- Freelancers, creating and developing their own business that provides independent accounting and financial advice
Graduates of the BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance programme may, if they wish, continue their studies in postgraduate university programs in Greece and abroad.
Admission Requirements
The programme is addressed to high-school leavers who wish to pursue a career in the area of Accounting and Finance.
Required documentation:
- Completed application form
- Copy of passport (page with your personal details and photo)
- Certified English translation of High School Leaving Certificate and mark sheet or equivalent qualifications
- Proof of English language proficiency
- Letter of recommendation / reference from academics or employers
- Other certificates/degrees
Cases of candidates with proven knowledge in the field in addition to their Secondary education are examined on a case-by-case basis.
A personal interview complements the evaluation of the above documentation.