Human Sciences Laboratories

State-of-the-art Psychology and Education labs

The academic programmes of the Faculty of Human Sciences are based on the use of the most recent teaching methods in Education, while at the same time, they all encourage research.

Students are taught to perceive and interpret human behavior and its facets, but most important, to apprehend the factors which form and affect this behavior. All the above are applied in the specialised, private laboratories of the Faculty, all bearing the latest state-of-the-art equipment, where students have the opportunity to become familiar with the exploration of human behavior and the most important factors that influence it, and also develop their critical thinking and creative skills.


Psychology Labs

The labs of the Department of Psychology include: Cognitive Psychology and Visual Perception Lab, Cognitive Psychology – Stroop Test, Psychometric Lab, Social Qualitative Research Lab, Criminology Lab, Statistics and Research Lab.


Early Childhood Studies / Special Education Labs

The labs of the Department of ECS and Special Education include: Creative Activities Lab, Lab for the Design of Educational Environment, Dramatic Play and Creativity Lab, AMCreativity Lab and various Observation Labs.

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