Energy and the Environment in the Mediterranean Sea  

Acquire vital knowledge and skills in Shipping Management 

"Energy and the Environment in the Mediterranean Sea" is a programme that highlights the impacts and vulnerability of the Mediterranean energy system.

The programme approaches the subject in the face of the inevitable climate change in the region. It also shows how development options in key sectors/resources can, in the long run, strongly impact energy demand.


Learning Outcomes and Goals

On completion of this course, participants shall acquire a fundamental knowledge on:

  • The concept of the Mediterranean Sea and surrounding countries becoming a new Energy Hub.
  • The prospects of Greece developing as an oil/gas producing country and the possibilities of gas/oil produced by other Mediterranean countries such as Egypt, Lebanon, Israel and Cyprus to be transferred to Europe through Greece.
  • The prospects of pipelines transferring Russian gas to Europe through Turkey in addition to the existing routes from Russia through Ukraine will be evaluated and advantages/ disadvantages.
  • The role of Greece as a country with the potential of becoming a major solar and wind energy producer, due to the prevailing winds and high rate of sun exposure throughout the year.
  • The principles of the technological developments required to allow Greece to emerge as a leader in renewable energy sources in Europe.
  • The issues associated with air and water pollution within the Mediterranean Sea will be considered in view of the emerging environmental regulations approved globally as part of the Paris Agreement (COP21).

Highlights & Advantages 

  • Good understanding of the prospects of the Mediterranean countries developing as producers of gas/oil for transportation and distribution to European Union parallel to the already available Russian gas/oil serving through pipelines to most European countries as part of existing agreements.
  • Improved understanding of the fundamentals of gas/oil exploration and the principal technologies available for efficient solar and wind energy projects which are necessary in order to achieve the global target of preventing the temperature of our planet increasing more than 2 deg within this century.
  • Site visits (out-of-class experiences that supplement lectures as an integral part of the programme): solar and wind parks already functioning near the City of Athens as well as oil refineries and the existing liquified natural gas regasification facility.
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