Faculty of Architecture, Engineering & the Built Environment in Thessaloniki organises the lecture “Is life on Mars possible?” addressing to students, post-graduate students and everyone science oriented.
The oral presentation will take place in March 5th 2019, 18:00 – 20:00, Capsis Hotel (16, Monastiriou str.,Thessaloniki) by Prof. Dr. Ir. Vladimir Pletser, an astronaut candidate from Belgium, academic, writer and World Record owner for his participation in 14 different airbus types designed for parabolic flights. He has completed over 7.000 parabolas (about 40 hours) in microgravity conditions.
Mars Society, a worldwide volunteer-driven space-advocacy non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the human exploration and settlement of the planet Mars, selected Prof. Dr. Ir. Vladimir Pletser among 250 candidates to participate on the 1st and 2nd international simulation of manned mission to Mars.
The 1st was conducted on Devon Island on the Canadian arctic. The 2nd one was conducted on the Utah desert where Vladimir Pletser was in complete isolation for two weeks. On 2009, under the programme framework of EuroGeoMars of ESA, he was a crew commander. During those three missions he participated in 36 experiments on geophysics, biology, navigation and psychology.
During the speech, the Belgian astronaut candidate, Prof. Dr. Ir.Vladimir Pletser, will present his experience under those extreme environments, in relation with the everyday life of humans, as well as his scientific and research work in microgravity conditions. He has over 7000 parabolas equivalent to approximately 40 hours in microgravity conditions.
Prof. Dr. Ir.Vladimir Pletser
Academic, Writer, Belgian astronaut candidate, World record holder for participating at 14 different types of aircraft capable of perform parabolic flights
Free Entrance
On-line Registrations: www.mitropolitiko.edu.gr/life-on-mars
Info: Dr. Nikos Divinis/ ndivinis@mitropolitiko.edu.gr / 2310 241010